Postpartum Support

Individual/group support and educational training/workshops for those navigating the chaos of being a new mother or father…

2312744829Parenthood is often romanticized as a blissful journey…

You know: cuddly moments, tiny socks, and sunny playdates…

Which it totally is!

But there is also a darker side to parenthood that many new mothers and fathers are not prepared for.

It’s like a pit in your stomach.

Or a lump in your throat…

You get it from time to time when you get scared.

Scared because you’re screaming the way your parents used to…

Or scared because you don’t have that lovey-dovey feeling when you’re caring for your child.

It’s understandable…

Let’s face it: There’s a lot about parenthood that’s not at all glamorous.




Along with the hormonal shifts and lifestyle changes that come with being a new parent, these emotions enter the mix to create a perfect storm for depression and burnout.

1671022714It’s an all-out assault on your identity.

Suddenly, you’re not just you anymore. You’re “mom” or “dad,” a title that comes with many expectations and pressures.

The weight of being responsible for another human being, mixed with societal standards and the relentless demand to “do it all,” can take a heavy toll on your mental health – especially if you feel like you have to do it alone.

There are a lot of pressures – from society and past generations – to make sure everything is perfect and right.

I know you’re particularly vulnerable right now.

You’re expected to adapt, bond, and heal while managing overwhelming shifts in your life.

Guilt creeps in when you’re not feeling joyful… or when you need a break.

Recognizing burnout and understanding the transition into parenthood (“matrescence” or “patrescence”) are crucial for breaking the cycle.

I’m here to help you understand the physical, psychological, and spiritual changes you’re going through.

2466031547It’s okay to ask for help!

You might not realize it, but you’ll be an even better mother or father if you voice your struggles and prioritize your self-care.

Embracing imperfections can lead to more genuine connections with your children.

Parenthood isn’t a competition. It’s a messy, chaotic ride that requires community and compassion.

So, take a breath…

Step back and remember: It’s perfectly okay NOT to be okay… so include me as part of your birth plan!

You’re going through a transformation right now…

Let me support you as we explore it.

Call now, and we’ll schedule your free 15-minute consultation: (910) 212-6477.